About the cookz

So yes, this blog is because I love food. It’s obvious by my shape (yes round is one) and the fact that I can never let a recipe alone. Sometimes that is a bad thing, other times it is when my instincts are screaming at me to change something but I try the original recipe like a good little cook and end up having to do some quick fixing. This also features stuff my family or friends have made or suggested. Think Pinky and the Brain in the kitchen.

My name is Kara and I stress cook. I also post recipes that my husband Dennis cooks when he is feeling creative. I live with my husband Dennis in Southcentral Pennsylvania back in the woods with our semi-indoor cat, four outdoor cats, two dogs, one lizard, a bunch of fish, and all the critters that like to nibble at the feeders and in the garden, including but not limited to deer, foxes, bears, birds, and other beasties. I am twenty-seven and I love to cook and write, garden, sew, putter, and generally rip things apart or put them together just to see how they work. This counts for anything from books, electronics, or clothing.

If a friend makes something I get to try I will also post it here and credit them.

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